Club Constitution


1.Dagenham 88 Runners

The club is Dagenham 88 Runners and is affiliated to England Athletics.

2. Aims and Objectives

* To offer Structured Training and Coaching..

* To encourage competitive opportunities.

* To encourage team event participation.

* To encourage and provide for recreational runners.

* To organise Club races.

* To promote the club within the local community.

* To provide support for club members for running-related welfare issues

3. Membership

3.1 All club members are subject to the rules and regulations of the constitution.

3.2 All club members must comply with the England Athletics rules and regulations due to the Club’s affiliation.

3.3 Membership can take the form of any of the following:

* First claim Dagenham 88 Runners

* Non-Competing Dagenham 88 Runners 

* Second claim to Dagenham 88 Runners 

* Social Members (the definition of social members is that they are non running members)

3.4 Only first claim members of Dagenham 88 runners are entitled to be elected to serve on the Dagenham 88 runners Committee and only these two categories of membership shall have voting rights at meetings.

3.5 Second claim Dagenham 88 runners enjoy the same level of support in training, events and social activities as first claim and non- competing Dagenham 88 runners, but are not entitled to:

3.5.1 Vote at meetings, or

3.5.2 Participate in Club championships

3.6 Social/Associate Members are entitled to use the club’s facilities and participate in all Club social activities.

3.7 An applicant for membership shall become a member after submission of a duly completed application form, acceptance by the Committee together with the current subscription payment.

3.8 The minimum age for membership and running with the club as a guest is 16.


4. Subscriptions

4.1 Subscriptions are set by the Committee each year and will be voted on by Dagenham 88 Members at the AGM.

4.2 Subscriptions will be opened up for payment after 1st April each year once the England Athletics Club Affiliation Payment has been processed. The full subscription includes the cost of an affiliated Competition Licence with England Athletics and must be paid by the deadline set by England Athletics.

4.3 England Athletics Competition Licence fees will be charged according to current rates set by England Athletics.

4.4 Dagenham 88 Runners  Membership will lapse if subscriptions have not been paid by the England Athletics deadline (usually end of June unless otherwise stated). Lapsed members can apply to re-join Dagenham 88 Runners and will be re-admitted once the annual subscription plus a rejoining fee is paid. The re-joining fee will be determined by the Committee at the same time as the setting of the annual subscription.

4.5 The Committee will have no responsibility to members who have had their England Athletics Affiliation withdrawn due to late payment to the club for their Competition Licence.

4.6 The Committee may elect to either extend membership [or reduce the annual subscription for new members joining after December.]


5. Life Membership

5.1 The Committee may elect to grant life membership to long service members of the club who have given service above and beyond to the club including serving on the committee, run leaders etc. No subscription is payable for those members with life membership but they are required to meet the cost of an England Athletics Competition Licence if one is required.

5.2 Life members enjoy the same status as First Claim or Non-Competing D88 runners.

6. Representation in Team Events

6.1 Only first claim and second claim members of Dagenham 88 runners with full membership and holding an affiliated competition licence are entitled to represent Dagenham 88 runners in team events. This includes but is not restricted to the Chingford League, Elvis League Series, Essex Cross Country and all events organised by the Essex/ South Essex Athletics Association.

6.2 Competing members in team events must run in a club vest.


7. Transfer between Clubs

7.1 Competitive Athletes wishing to transfer between clubs must do so utilising the myATHLETICS Portal Club Transfer menu option. A transfer from Dagenham 88 runners to another club will need to be authorized by a member of the Dagenham 88 runners committee.  There will be no refunds of membership payments on transferring to another club.

7.2 Prospective members wishing to transfer to Dagenham 88 runners must complete the Dagenham 88 runners membership application form and pay the subscription fee.


8. The Club Committee And its Membership

8.1 The Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Chairperson, the Club Secretary, the Membership Secretary and the Treasurer and not more than 6 other Members elected at the AGM.

8.2 The Committee may nominate functional roles to be carried out by members of the Committee and the number of such roles may be increased or decreased, and functions may be allocated or reallocated at the discretion of the Committee.

8.3 Any First Claim [or Non-competing] Dagenham 88 runners is eligible to put their name forward for election to the Committee. Election will be made at the next AGM. In the event of more than one person seeking to stand for the same functional role, election will be made by a show of hands by all members present at the AGM (except for the Chairperson). In the event of a tie the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

8.4 The Committee shall remain in office until the next AGM. All committee members will step down each year but will be eligible for re-appointment at the AGM.

8.5 Club Committee meetings will be convened [monthly or as often as necessary].

8.6 The quorum required for business to be agreed at Committee meetings will be a minimum of any four committee members.

8.7 The Club Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of practice and rules that affect the organisation of the club.

8.8 The Committee will have powers to appoint subcommittees in order to meet specific objectives.

8.9 The Club Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations /constitution and will be responsible for taking any action following such hearings.

8.10 Any member of the Committee may resign by notice given by email or letter to the Secretary.

8.11 The Committee may appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy until the next AGM.

8.12 The office of Committee member shall be vacated:

(a) By resignation, or

(b) Expelled having found to be in major breach of club rules or ethical conduct, or

(c) If he or she shall be absent for half or more Committee meetings held between 1st May and April the following year without the explicit consent of the Committee.

8.13 At least one Club Welfare Officer will be appointed by the Committee in line with the England Athletics requirements.


9.Annual General Meetings (AGM)

9.1 An Annual General Meeting will take place in April usually after the London Marathon. All Club Committee Members are expected to attend.

9.2 AGM Attendance is open to all First Claim Dagenham 88 runners [and non- competing members of Dagenham 88 runners]. These members have the right to vote at the meeting.

9.3 Not less than 21 day’s Notice of Annual General Meetings (AGM) will be given by the Club Secretary.

9.4 The AGM will receive report, either written or verbal from Members of the Club Committee. The Treasurer will provide a statement of the audited accounts.

9.5 Election of Committee Membership is to take place at the AGM.

9.6 The Club Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.


10. Conduct of Members Conduct 

10.1 All club members shall act in a fit and proper manner towards each other. Violence and or inappropriate behaviour or language will not be tolerated. Inappropriate conduct is covered under the “Discipline and Appeals section of this constitution”.

10.2 Members will compete under the rules laid down by England Athletics and its governing body. Serious violation of EA competition rules is covered under the “Discipline and Appeals section of this constitution”.

10.3 Members whilst competing wearing a club vest will conduct themselves in a proper manner.  Serious violation is covered under the “Discipline and Appeals section of this constitution”.

10.4 Members entering into written communication with other clubs and officials will do so as independent individuals and it must be made clear that they are not representing the views of the club, unless under the express authority of the Club Committee. Serious violation is covered under the “Discipline and Appeals section of this constitution”.

10.5 During training sessions, members are expected to stay with the group that they have elected to train with for the duration of the training session. Members wishing to cut short their session must inform the team leader their intentions.

10.6 Members using Dagenham 88 runnerssocial media platforms should employ common sense, protect themselves and their privacy, not say anything that is dishonest, untrue or misleading and not post material that is offensive, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, hateful, racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate and not post material that is inappropriate.

10.7 Dagenham 88 runners social media platforms are not to be used for the advertising of products or services by members or outside parties. Members who believe that they have a legitimate case for advertising should make a written request to the Club Secretary who will decide on consultation with other Committee members whether or not to allow the request. Postings without this approval will be removed by the Administrator and the perpetrator risks being removed from the Media Platform.

10.8 Members must ensure they are adequately prepared for club training and in suitable health before embarking on a training session.  Members are responsible for judging their health (including injuries) prior to committing to a training session.  Members managing injuries are advised to discuss the matter with their group leader.

10.9 Members must pay attention to their group leader during sessions especially when safety information is issued (e.g. surface conditions). Members are responsible for their personal safety during club sessions including crossing roads, running where there is no pavement or when surface conditions may cause injury.

10.10 Any accidents or incidents during training sessions must be reported to the Group Leader. The group leader will subsequently report directly to the Club Secretary, the Welfare officer. A record of the incident will be recorded to an Incident Report Form/book which will be both held in the Dagenham 88 runners Documents Library and forwarded to EA.

10.11 Members with health conditions where a specific intervention from others would significantly influence recovery or management are advised to inform their group leader. Examples include members with asthma, diabetes, angina or epilepsy where specific preventative/supportive intervention can influence the outcome.

10.12 High Visibility Clothing with reflective material must be worn on club training sessions from September to May (when sessions fall into the hours of darkness; including when sessions start in the light). Members should adhere to group leader advise on shoe type or head torches etc. as applicable.


11.Discipline and Appeal Procedures Discipline

11.1 All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted promptly to the Club Secretary.

11.2 All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of vulnerable people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

11.3 The Club Committee will meet to hear complaints within ten days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.

11.4 The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within ten days of the hearing.

11.5 Any member who offends against the Club Constitution or whose conduct is prejudicial to the objects of good governance of the Club may be expelled from the Club by a majority decision of the Committee. Before any such member is expelled, the Secretary shall give that member 28 days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee and shall inform that member of the complaints made against him or her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity to appear before the Committee and answer those complaints.

11.6 There is a right of appeal to the Club Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within ten days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.

11.7 The Committee will take advice from the Welfare Officers who will ensure that matters are dealt with in line with England Athletics policies and procedures.


12. Finance

12.1 All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.

12.2 The financial year of the club will end on 31st March. 

12.3 An audited statement of annual accounts representing one full year to the 31st March will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.

12.4 Any cheques drawn against club funds must hold the signature of the Treasurer plus the signature of either the Chairperson or the Secretary.


13. Amendments to the Constitution

13.1 The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.


14. Dissolution

14.1 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership.

14.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of a duly nominated organisation. 

Dagenham 88 Runners Club 

We meet from 7.15 onwards for a 7:30pm start every Tuesday at The May & Bakers car park and on Thursdays, track session at the Jim Peters Stadium, 7.20 for 7.30pm.